This doc is outdated. For up-to-date examples, please follow this sample repo.

The Skills section should give the viewer an idea about not only the list of skills you have but also an idea of the depth of your knowledge on a particular skill. In this post, we are going to configure the Skills section of your site.

At first, create skills.yaml files in the data directory of your site. Then, follow the following instruction.

Add Your Skills

Now, let’s add a skills section in your skills.yaml file as bellow,

- name: Kubernetes
  icon: "images/skills/kubernetes.png"
  summary: "Capable of deploying, managing application on Kubernetes. Experienced in writing Kubernetes controllers for CRDs."

Here, you have to provide name, icon, and summary fields for a skill. The summary field should provide an idea about your depth of knowledge of this particular skill.

You can use markdown syntax in the summary field.

The following image shows how the content of skills.yaml files are mapped into the Skills section.

Example skills.yaml File

Here, is the skills.yaml file that has been used to create the Skills section of this site.

# Your Skills.
# Give a summary of you each skill in the summary section.
- name: Kubernetes
  icon: "images/skills/kubernetes.png"
  summary: "Capable of deploying, managing application on Kubernetes. Experienced in writing Kubernetes controllers for CRDs."

- name: Go Development
  icon: "images/skills/go.png"
  summary: "Using as the main language for professional development. Capable of writing scalable, testable, and maintainable program."

- name: Cloud Computing
  icon: "images/skills/cloud.png"
  summary: "Worked with most of the major clouds such as GCP, AWS, Azure etc."

- name: Docker
  icon: "images/skills/docker.svg"
  summary: "Write most of the programs as dockerized container. Experienced with multi-stage, multi-arch build process."

- name: Prometheus
  icon: "images/skills/prometheus.png"
  summary: "Capable of setup, configure Prometheus metrics. Experienced with PromQL, AlertManager. Also, experienced with writing metric exporters."

- name: Linux
  icon: "images/skills/linux.png"
  summary: "Using as the main operating system. Capable of writing bash/shell scripts."

- name: Git
  icon: "images/skills/git.png"
  summary: "Experienced with git-based development. Mostly, use Github. Also, have experience in working with GitLab."

- name: C++
  icon: "images/skills/c++.png"
  summary: "Know basic C/C++ programming. Used for contest programming and problem solving."